怎样制作自己的网页首先,可以告诉想学网站制作的朋友。学习制作网页和学习其它知识一样,是要有基础的。在基础之上学习起来会比较轻松和快捷的。其次,要清楚学习它是用来做什么。 First of all, can tell want to learn the friends to create a web page. Learn to create web pages and learning other knowledge, is to have basic. Based on the study up will be easier and quick. Next, want to know what is it used for learning. 建议你要具备的条件:对电脑熟练操作,使用电脑**在一年以上,对网页设计感兴趣,有较充足的学习时间,熟悉office办公软件。当然,这些不是一定必须的。 Suggest you want to have conditions: the computer skilled operation, use the computer had better be in more than one year, the interest of web design, have a plenty of time to study, familiar with office software. Of course, these are not to be. **阶段:开始时**是学些网页编辑软件,如:FrontPage、Dreamweaver.这样可以使您更了解网页制作与运营的原理。**使拿本教程来学学,结合教程边学习边制作。 The first stage: beginning is best learn something web page editor software, such as: FrontPage, Dreamweaver. So can make you know more about web pages and operation principles. It best to take this tutorial to learn, union course and learn edge production. 第二阶段:会用网页制作软件后,已会制作一个较完整的网站了。但为了能使自己设计制作的网页尽善尽美,还是学习网页的核心技术吧!网页编辑语言(包括:html、css、javascript、asp、xml等)。你可以选择地学习。 The second stage: will use web page creation software, has produced a more complete web sites. But in order to make their web page design and production of perfection, or learn the core technology of the web! Web page editor language (including: the HTML, CSS, javascript, asp, XML, etc.). You can study draws. 第三阶段:结合你自己已掌握地知识来开发网站,可以开发出别人给你定义的目标网站。到了这个时候,你就成为真正的网站开发者了。 The third stage: combined with your own has mastered to knowledge to web development, can develop the other people to give you defined target web site. At this time, you will become a real web developers. 怎样制作网页,不是说一两篇文章能够说清楚的。以上介绍的是制作网页的主要纲要,希望能够给想要学习制作网页的朋友一个参考。 How to make a web page, not to say that a couple of articles can say. Introduced above is the main program for making home pages, to be able to want to learn to produce web friend a reference. 一、工具(tools) 1、空间(space) 网页做好了肯定是要发表上网的,所以必须先申请一个空间;免费的网站空间不是很稳定,容量又小,也不好申请,建议到大的网站如新浪、网易去先买一个个人空间,大概有个20M以上的就可以了。 Web pages ready affirmation be published on the Internet, so must apply for a space; Free space is not very stable, capacity and small, is bad also to apply for, suggest to big web site such as sina, netease to first get a personal space, probably a more than 20 M. 2、软件(software) 推荐使用Dreamweaver中文版,这个软件**的特点就是“所见即所得”,也即是制作过程中看到的,便是到时发布到网络上的。 Recommend using Dreamweaver Chinese, this software the greatest characteristic is "what you see is what you get", also is the production process seen, is then released to the network. 二、教程(tutorial) 花点时间,找个比较通俗易懂的教程看一看是很有必要的。每个网页的组成,不外是文字、表格、图、动画还有就是背景音乐等几个大的元素,搞清楚如何将这些元素摆放进去,你也就算懂得如何制作网页了。 Spend some time, find a more understandable tutorial see is very necessary. Each page composition, be but text, tables, charts, animation and background music is and several other major element, make clear how these elements put in, you even know how to make a web page. 三、制作(production) 开始时建议去下载一个比较简单的网页,在制作软件中将它打开,然后仔细观察人家的网页的构成,模仿它去填充各种元素,实践中再配合着教城,进度会快很多,记得也牢一些。 Beginning to download a comparison suggest simple web pages, in making software will it open, and then carefully observe the somebody else's web page form, imitate it to fill all sorts of elements, combined with the practice of teaching city again, progress will be much quicker, remember also some prison. 本文发布于北京网站建设公司创盟时代 |