站长应换位思考_用户需要怎样的网站制作用户是网站运营的核心体系,随着各大搜索引擎对算法的严格要求,seo优化的竞争力也逐渐增大,要想战胜竞争对手,网站的站内设计也成为竞争的核心力量。用户到底需要什么样的站点,怎样的站点设计才能满足用户的需求,站长不防换个角度去思考,设想自己是搜索用户,找到符合用户体验的设计理念。 The user is the core system of the website operation, with the strict requirements of each big search engine on the SEO optimization algorithm, the competitiveness is gradually increasing, in order to beat the competition, the design of the site has also become the core power of competition. What kind of site to the needs of users, the site design to meet the needs of users, owners do not prevent change an angle to think, if you are users search, find the design idea of the user experience. 网站制作的理念应该是以客户为标准,而不是一味的遵从设计者的喜好,事实证明往往按照设计者设计的网站,并不能被用户所接受,更不能被搜索引擎蜘蛛所接受,设计者除了要考虑网页的基本架构、文字布局、色彩匹配等,还要考虑到网站元素是否能让用户有舒适的体验。 Website design philosophy should be the customer standards, rather than blindly follow the preferences of the designer, designers often proved according to the site, and can not be accepted by the user, but can not be accepted by the search engine spiders, designers should not only consider the webpage of the basic framework, text layout, color matching, but also considering the elements of a web site is to allow the user to have a comfortable experience. 设计理念要兼顾用户和蜘蛛 The design concept to both the user and the spider 站内设计让用户能方便的浏览内容,导航设计模式可以在最短的时间内找到内容,用户进入网站后可方便的找到资讯内容,或者可直接购买产品,这样的营销型网站建设理念看上去是很符合用户体验的。但往往事实并非如此,很多网站设计能满足客户的需求,蜘蛛却不能正常的抓取,结果这样的网站导致不能与蜘蛛相连,不能和蜘蛛带来的客户更好的接触,导致网站跳出率高。对于搜索引擎喜好的网站,网站的关键词布局都是很有层次的,用户经常搜索的关键词可以放置主页布局,按照此来逆推网页的主次。两者兼顾的网页设计才能算上是舒适的用户体验。 The station design so that users can easily browse content, navigation design pattern can be found in the most short time, after the user to access the site can easily find information content, or direct purchase products, such a marketing type website construction idea seems to be very much in line with the user experience. But that is not the case, a lot of web design can meet the needs of customers, the spider is not normal to grab, results of this website which could not be connected with spiders and spider, cannot bring better customer contact, causing the site jump out rate is high. For the search engines like the website, web site keywords layout is very level, users often search keywords can be placed the homepage layout, according to the inverse of the primary and secondary webpage. Webpage design can both calculate is comfortable user experience. 设计理念要兼顾内链建设 The design concept to construction of the inner chain 在搜索引擎外链建设不易获取时,站内优化完善成为设计的主要目标,以前的站长优化是积极的从站外添加链接,导入链接是可增加网站权重,但站内链接也是受到搜索引擎重视的,设计网站是兼顾到站内的内链布局,可使网站整体获得搜索引擎的认可,给网站建立方便、全面的导航链接、使每个页面离首页的距离不超过5次点击,页面之间形成网状的结构。网站底部不可缺少的是网站地图页面,将所有的页面分类列出来,方便蜘蛛对网站结构的抓取, 让搜索引擎和用户更方便的对内页进行检索。 In the search engine chain construction is not easy to gain, in the station optimization improvement has been the main design target, the webmaster optimization previously is positive from the station to add links, links can increase website weight, but the station link is affected by search engine, web site design is to take into account the chain layout station, can make the whole site for search engine recognition, establishing a convenient, comprehensive navigation links to websites, so that each page is not more than 5 clicks away from home in the distance, reticulation structure between pages. The site at the bottom of the essential is the site map page, page classification of all listed, convenient spiders crawl the site structure, Let the search engine and users to more easily on the inside page retrieval. 设计代码要对搜索引擎友好 Design code for search engine friendly 使用CSS设计摒弃框架的网站,对搜索引擎来说友好度更高,在css网页中我们要将标题标签用H标签来标注,现在很多设计者对H标签的重视度不够,通过H标签可以控制页面重要的标题,很清楚明了的告诉蜘蛛网页的主关键词。设计者在对页面URL地址设计时,**是设计成静态页面,动态页面会使蜘蛛望而止步,因而很难在搜索引擎上获得相应排名,静态的URL地址更利用蜘蛛抓取,也利用用户对地址的记忆。 Using CSS to design the abandon framework sites, to the search engine friendly degrees higher in CSS webpage, we will use H tags to mark the title tag, now many designers of H tags and insufficient attention to, control the page important title can pass the H label, very clearly told the Lord keywords spider webpage. Designers in the design of the page address of the URL, the best is designed as static pages, dynamic pages can make the spider away, so it is difficult to obtain the corresponding ranking in the search engines, URL static address by spiders crawl, also use the user to address memory. 企业营销型网站在对产品页面的设计上,往往不能很好的兼顾用户和搜索引擎,图片和flash展示的产品可能会更符合用户的体验,但是对搜索引擎来说却是很难抓取到的内容,所以对必须使用flash的页面,可给页面添加flash的纯文字版网页,并连接到原来的flash页面。对于产品导航链接到内页的导航,尽量不要直接使用图片导航,如果为了兼顾用户和蜘蛛可同时添加图片和文字锚文本导航。 Enterprise marketing type site in the design of the product page, often can not be good both users and search engines, pictures and flash display products may be more in line with the user experience, but it is to the search engine is hard to grab the content, so you must use the flash page, can be added to the flash page pure text version of webpage, and connection to the original flash page. For the navigation links to the inside pages of navigation, try not to directly use image navigation, if in order to both the user and the spider can also add pictures and text anchor text navigation. 新的seo优化时代下,站长需要进行换位思考,不仅要思考怎样的站点符合用户体验,也要换位思考网站的定位、提供的产品、提供的核心服务等是否能符合用户搜索习惯,多思考才能让自己跟网站同时进步。 The new era of SEO optimization, webmaster need for empathy, not only to think about how the site meet user experience, but also to locate, empathy website to provide products, provide core services can meet the user search habits, thinking can let oneself with network station and progress. |